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Reel Time

Reel Time With


Rachael Podolsky


Rachael Podolsky


Here’s What You Missed in October

Don’t forget to follow me on all of my social media channels! October 10th: To pre-inspect or not to pre-inspect? 🤔 Are you still recommending your sellers do them? Or with a calmer market will you let the buyer do their due diligence on their own dime? Watch my video on Instagram and let me know what you think by dropping a comment! Vi...


"On the Occasion of my 49th Birthday"

I did not think on the occasion of my 49th birthday that I would have spent the previous 38 days wearing one of the two ...


"“My How You’ve Blossomed!”"

cannot believe how fast time seems to be moving as I age. It's absolutely amazing to see the anticipation of something c...


"Easy Come, Easy Grow"

If you have been following along on my blog, I told you in my post Refresh Yourself that I'd explore friendship in an up...

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